Thurston County Democrats (TCD) will provide Campaign Services to approved candidates and ballot initiative campaigns.
To apply for Campaign Services in 2022, please cmplete and submit the campaign services application form.
You can also download, print and mail the form to:
Campaign Services Chair
Thurston County Democrats
P.O. Box 164
Olympia, WA 98507-0164
The TCD adopted new a Campaign Services Policy at a special meeting on June 7, 2021. To review the policy, please read this document.
Here at TCD Campaign Services we strive to help you, the Democrat candidate, to obtain recommendations in support of your campaign, while also serving our TCD membership by providing them with more detailed information on which candidates best represent our party's principles, values, and platform.
The services that we offer include:
Campaign services will then begin research, reach out for an interview and offer recommendation to the Central Committee for their approval. When the Democrat candidate is approved by the Central Committee, the candidate can further access our services such as training and media support.
The approved Democrat candidate info is then sent to the State Democrat Party for their approval and grant of access to their data base information such as NGP/VAN Vote Builder.
TCD’s Campaign Service Committee strives to help all Democratic candidates with viable campaigns receive the support necessary for a successful run for office.
To apply for Campaign Services in 2022, please cmplete and submit the campaign services application form.
You can also download, print and mail the form to:
Campaign Services Chair
Thurston County Democrats
P.O. Box 164
Olympia, WA 98507-0164
The TCD adopted new a Campaign Services Policy at a special meeting on June 7, 2021. To review the policy, please read this document.
Here at TCD Campaign Services we strive to help you, the Democrat candidate, to obtain recommendations in support of your campaign, while also serving our TCD membership by providing them with more detailed information on which candidates best represent our party's principles, values, and platform.
The services that we offer include:
- Recommendation to the General body for support.
- Campaign website or Facebook page link on the TCD website.
- Announcement of campaign events in TCD Blast emails and on the TCD website.
- Contact with TCD PCO's to request their assistance in campaigning in their precinct, such as literature drops upon their individual agreement.
- Equal early access to TCD Burger Booth full shift reservations (such as at Lakefair, as available).
- Ability to post campaign signs, share and wear campaign clothing, and provide campaign literature at the TCD Burger Booth (as available).
- Equal access to any sponsorship or similar exposure opportunities for TCD events (including Champagne Brunch, Kennedy Dinner, etc.).
- Equal access to TCD office space for your campaign (when available, usually even numbered years)
- Participation in TCD Campaign Services sponsored training sessions, including topics such as campaign Treasurer and PDC compliance training, Campaign Management training, VoteBuilder training, and campaign media training.
- Consideration for endorsement by the TCD.
- Consideration for financial contributions by the TCD (dependent on endorsement).
- Recommendation to the State Democratic Party for discounted access to our party voter database (known as NGP/VAN VoteBuilder), which includes information for mailers, walking lists, precinct maps, phone banking, voter contact tracking, and similar GOTV tools across the district of your race.
Campaign services will then begin research, reach out for an interview and offer recommendation to the Central Committee for their approval. When the Democrat candidate is approved by the Central Committee, the candidate can further access our services such as training and media support.
The approved Democrat candidate info is then sent to the State Democrat Party for their approval and grant of access to their data base information such as NGP/VAN Vote Builder.
TCD’s Campaign Service Committee strives to help all Democratic candidates with viable campaigns receive the support necessary for a successful run for office.