Tickets Now Available For the 2025 Champaigne Brunch Please purchase your tickets today: seating is limited.
Visit our ticket page to reserve your spot at the 2025 Champagne Brunch! This event offers a chance to hear from 2025 candidates and local leaders while enjoying a full breakfast with Champagne. Your participation will support the Thurston County Democrats and help fund our efforts to elect leaders who champion progress and equality in our community.
Your Voice Matters We’re building an equitable, more inclusive community by standing up, speaking out, and working together. You can be part of the change. Join us today and help create a brighter future for Thurston County!
Join the fun and make a difference!
We are looking for new members, more volunteers, and more contributions during 2025, our rebuilding year. We have big plans and want to be make becoming involved easier. Now is the time to join, there are many different ways you can be part of the change, even if you just want to be informed.